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location-based Augmented Reality Framework (Android, iOS) with 3D Models? [closed]

I'm looking for a location-based (not marker-based) augmented reality framework allowing 3d models in both Android and iOS.

I'm not interested in POIs (Point-of-interest) where there is already plenty of frameworks and lots of documentation to do it ourselves such as this: http://www.raywenderlich.com/42266/augmented-reality-ios-tutorial-location-based

Basically, using the same kind of principle as in the article above, but instead of displaying just a label, there could be for example a building-size cube; we could go around it, look down & up and the perspective would change accordingly.

Something that feeds the phone GPS coordinates (and 3 angles) to the "point of view" of an overlay OpenGL view and is open enough to let me add what I want to the OpenGL world (maybe using real-world coordinates too), with some optimisation.

it's for integration in an app with other features so using some of the AR browser available out there doesn't work either.

All I could find was pretty expensive.

Thanks in advance.

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MikaelW Avatar asked Aug 10 '13 12:08


People also ask

What is location-based augmented reality explain in detail with an example?

How does location-based AR work? The mechanism is quite simple — a mobile app sends queries to sensors. When the app gets information, the application compares it with data about the point of interest (POI) and defines where to place virtual data in the real world. Markerless AR can be divided into outdoor and indoor.

What is location-based augmented reality?

Location-based AR primarily relies on GPS, accelerometer, digital compass, and other technologies to identify a phone's location and position with a high level of accuracy. Through the fact that all modern devices are equipped with these sensors, augmented reality is available for every mobile device owner.

What are the different types of augmented reality?

In turn, within markerless AR there are 4 types: location-based AR, projection-based AR, overlay AR and contour AR. Each typology has an application and is based on a different technological principle as we have seen.

Is augmented reality real?

Unlike virtual reality (VR), which creates a totally artificial environment, AR users experience a real-world environment with generated perceptual information overlaid on top of it. Augmented reality is used to either visually change natural environments in some way or to provide additional information to users.

1 Answers

not sure whether you had a look at the Wikitude SDK during your research. The SDK delivers exactly this functionality for iOS and Android. You can position 3D models at any geo-location you like - even work with relative locations.

There is also a comparison table on available AR SDKs available online. Have a closer look at the column GPS to filter for location-based libraries.

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Wikitude Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 13:10
