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localStorage getItem logs[object Object]

I am trying to set and get items from local storage but when i log the data i get [object Object]

i am trying to get the view of that object something like this {a : v, b : v }...

here is the code :

var widgets = localStorage.getItem('widgets');
        if (widgets == null) {
         widgets = {
            widget_lot : '',
            widget_td : '',
            widget_cwo : '',
            widget_vehicles : '',
            widget_take : ''

            widgets.widget_lot = 0;
            widgets.widget_td = 0;
            widgets.widget_cwo = 1;
            widgets.widget_vehicles = 0;
            widgets.widget_take = 0;

            localStorage.setItem('widgets', widgets);

        console.log(widgets); //Logs "[object Object]"
like image 717
zinho Avatar asked May 22 '14 11:05


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localStorage.setItem ('widgets', JSON.stringify (widgets)); localStorage stores the value as string, so when you try to save an object to toString () method of the value to be stored is called, since you have a object it will return [object Object] In the same way, getItem () returns a string, to convert it to a object use JSON.parse ()

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Local storage only supports string datatype. So you have to Show activity on this post. localStorage stores the value as string, so when you try to save an object to toString () method of the value to be stored is called, since you have a object it will return [object Object]

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Then to retrieve it from the store and convert to an object again: var user = JSON.parse (localStorage.getItem ('user')); If we need to delete all entries of the store we can simply do: localStorage.clear (); This is a 10-year-old question.

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2 Answers

Local storage only supports string datatype. So you have to

  1. Convert it to String before saving to LocalStorage

    localStorage.setItem('key', JSON.stringify(data));
  2. Convert back to JS object, reading from LocalStorage

    data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('key')); //forgot to close

In case of your code, it should be -

var widgets = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('widgets'));


localStorage.setItem('widgets', JSON.stringify(widgets));
like image 194
brainless coder Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 19:10

brainless coder

You need to stringify the object before storing it to the storage like

localStorage.setItem('widgets', JSON.stringify(widgets));

localStorage stores the value as string, so when you try to save an object to toString() method of the value to be stored is called, since you have a object it will return [object Object]

In the same way, getItem() returns a string, to convert it to a object use JSON.parse()


var widgets = localStorage.getItem('widgets');
console.log('stored', widgets)
if (widgets == null) {
    widgets = {
        widget_lot: '',
        widget_td: '',
        widget_cwo: '',
        widget_vehicles: '',
        widget_take: ''

    widgets.widget_lot = 0;
    widgets.widget_td = 0;
    widgets.widget_cwo = 1;
    widgets.widget_vehicles = 0;
    widgets.widget_take = 0;

    localStorage.setItem('widgets', JSON.stringify(widgets));
} else {
    widgets = JSON.parse(widgets)

console.log(widgets); //Logs "[object Object]"

Demo: Fiddle

like image 20
Arun P Johny Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 19:10

Arun P Johny