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Localizing clang output

Are the clang C compiler's diagnostic messages (warning, errors, etc.) hard-coded, or does it provide a way to specify which language (as opposed to English) to emit them in? Could I provide a custom dictionary for it to use at runtime, without building my own clang from source?

like image 910
Peter Hosey Avatar asked Sep 11 '11 21:09

Peter Hosey

1 Answers

Clang's diagnostics are currently hard-coded, but the system is designed to support localization. You can read some information about how it works here: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/InternalsManual.html#Diagnostics

We'd really like help localizing. If this is an area that you're interested in helping out, please contact the cfe-dev mailing list!

like image 78
Chris Lattner Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 17:11

Chris Lattner