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Local (?) variable referenced before assignment [duplicate]

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How do I fix local variable referenced before assignment?

The Python "UnboundLocalError: Local variable referenced before assignment" occurs when we reference a local variable before assigning a value to it in a function. To solve the error, mark the variable as global in the function definition, e.g. global my_var .

How do you avoid references before an assignment?

The UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment error is raised when you try to assign a value to a local variable before it has been declared. You can solve this error by ensuring that a local variable is declared before you assign it a value.

In order for you to modify test1 while inside a function you will need to do define test1 as a global variable, for example:

test1 = 0
def testFunc():
    global test1 
    test1 += 1

However, if you only need to read the global variable you can print it without using the keyword global, like so:

test1 = 0
def testFunc():
     print test1 

But whenever you need to modify a global variable you must use the keyword global.

Best solution: Don't use globals

>>> test1 = 0
>>> def test_func(x):
        return x + 1

>>> test1 = test_func(test1)
>>> test1

You have to specify that test1 is global:

test1 = 0
def testFunc():
    global test1
    test1 += 1