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Local storage browser for Google Cloud Storage and dev_appserver.py

Does anyone know if there is a version of the Google Cloud Storage storage browser (console.developers.google.com/project/apps~{application name}/storage) to use during development?

There doesn't seem to be any such tool as part of the admin server that is started at localhost:8000 when dev_appserver.py is launched.

If no such tool exists, how do others develop against the local Google Cloud Storage service during development? Do they end up writing their own tools to upload files, delete files, and view the current contents of the local Google Cloud Storage running on top of the local filesystem?

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user3904901 Avatar asked Aug 03 '14 23:08


2 Answers

Cloud Storage Viewer is not available for local development server. GCS client library can be used to run local tests.

like image 83
Nikita Uchaev Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Nikita Uchaev

If you visit the admin server at localhost:8000 you can see the files inside of the blobstore viewer. You can tell they are GCS files because their keys will start with encoded_gs_file: but you cannot see the filenames.

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Chris Burnham Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Chris Burnham