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Loading an image to a <img> from <input file>

I'm trying to load an image selected by the user through an element.

I added a onchange event handler to the input element like this:

<input type="file" name="picField" id="picField" size="24" onchange="preview_2(this);" alt=""/> 

and the preview_2 function is:

var outImage ="imagenFondo"; function preview_2(what){     globalPic = new Image();     globalPic.onload = function() {         document.getElementById(outImage).src = globalPic.src;     }     globalPic.src=what.value; } 

where outImage has the id value of the tag where I want the new picture to be loaded.

However, it appears that the onload never happens and it does not load anything to the html.

What should I do?

like image 533
Valentina Avatar asked Sep 28 '10 15:09


People also ask

How do I import an image into an input type file?

Using type="file" and accept="image/*" (or the format you want), allow the user to chose a file with specific format.

How do you display the value of an input type file?

The only way to set the value of a file input is by the user to select a file. This is done for security reasons. Otherwise you would be able to create a JavaScript that automatically uploads a specific file from the client's computer.

How display image from input type file react?

To display a image selected from file input in React, we can call the URL. createObjectURL with the selected file object to and set the returned value as the value of the src prop of the img element. We define the img state which we use as the value of the src prop of the img element.

2 Answers

In browsers supporting the File API, you can use the FileReader constructor to read files once they have been selected by the user.


document.getElementById('picField').onchange = function (evt) {     var tgt = evt.target || window.event.srcElement,         files = tgt.files;      // FileReader support     if (FileReader && files && files.length) {         var fr = new FileReader();         fr.onload = function () {             document.getElementById(outImage).src = fr.result;         }         fr.readAsDataURL(files[0]);     }      // Not supported     else {         // fallback -- perhaps submit the input to an iframe and temporarily store         // them on the server until the user's session ends.     } } 

Browser support

  • IE 10
  • Safari 6.0.2
  • Chrome 7
  • Firefox 3.6
  • Opera 12.02

Where the File API is unsupported, you cannot (in most security conscious browsers) get the full path of a file from a file input box, nor can you access the data. The only viable solution would be to submit the form to a hidden iframe and have the file pre-uploaded to the server. Then, when that request completes you could set the src of the image to the location of the uploaded file.

like image 125
Andy E Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 15:10

Andy E

As iEamin said in his answer, HTML 5 does now support this. The link he gave, http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/file/dndfiles/ , is excellent. Here is a minimal sample based on the samples at that site, but see that site for more thorough examples.

Add an onchange event listener to your HTML:

<input type="file" onchange="onFileSelected(event)"> 

Make an image tag with an id (I'm specifying height=200 to make sure the image isn't too huge onscreen):

<img id="myimage" height="200"> 

Here is the JavaScript of the onchange event listener. It takes the File object that was passed as event.target.files[0], constructs a FileReader to read its contents, and sets up a new event listener to assign the resulting data: URL to the img tag:

function onFileSelected(event) {   var selectedFile = event.target.files[0];   var reader = new FileReader();    var imgtag = document.getElementById("myimage");   imgtag.title = selectedFile.name;    reader.onload = function(event) {     imgtag.src = event.target.result;   };    reader.readAsDataURL(selectedFile); } 
like image 42
Mike Morearty Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 16:10

Mike Morearty