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loadbalancing for kubernetes in non-cloud environment

I see that kubernetes can use ClusterIP and NodePort and LoadBalancing. For loadbalancing it requires cloud. If I do not have cloud provider how can I loadbalance traffic between nodes?! I know that HAProxy can loadbalance but I think this cloud loadbalancer is different from simple HAProxy

and I want to know what is different between HAProxy and IngressController such as HAProxy and Nginx

I want a loadbalancer to loadbalance traffic between my worker nodes. A service loadbalance traffic between pods.I think ingress controller is layer 7 loadbalancer. I want loadbalancing between my nodes

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yasin lachini Avatar asked Mar 14 '19 12:03

yasin lachini

People also ask

Do I need Load Balancer for Kubernetes?

In other words, Kubernetes services are themselves the crudest form of load balancing traffic. In Kubernetes the most basic type of load balancing is load distribution. Kubernetes uses two methods of load distribution. Both of them are easy to implement at the dispatch level and operate through the kube-proxy feature.

What are the types of load balancers in Kubernetes?

In Kubernetes, there are two types of Load Balancers: Internal Load Balancers - these enable routing across containers within the same Virtual Private Cloud while enabling service discovery and in-cluster load balancing.

What is Kubernetes internal load balancer?

An internal load balancer makes a Kubernetes service accessible only to applications running in the same virtual network as the Kubernetes cluster. This article shows you how to create and use an internal load balancer with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Note.

1 Answers

I see that kubernetes can use ClusterIP and NodePort and LoadBalancing. For loadbalancing it requires cloud. If I do not have cloud provider how can I loadbalance traffic between nodes?!

The easiest way, as you probably know, would be to set the Service to type NodePort, this signals to kube-proxy to listen to a random port in the default range of 30000-32767 on every node. Under the hood this random port will be mapped (port-forwarded) to the Service port.

You can now send traffic, let's say to the random port of 30001, to any of the nodes and you'll be load balanced internally between the Pods. If you now spin up a e.g. VM in the same network as the nodes or in a network that could reach the nodes and setup load balancing across node-{a,b,c}:30001.

You could, although not recommeneded because of many good reasons, basically just send traffic to one of the nodes (node-a:30001) in a multi node cluster and the traffic would still be load balanced internally. This is possible due to the fact that all instances of kube-proxy knows where all the Pods (or Endpoints in the context of a Service) are located at any given time.

Note that the kube-proxy and iptables (may vary!) is the components that implements the Service object in all cases besides when the type is LoadBalancer. LoadBalancer requests will be dispatched to either the built-in or external cloud controller manager.

The Ingress object exists to add L7 logic in-front of one or more Service's, but as you've seen the Ingress is worthless if there's no Ingress Controller implementing it. HAProxy and Nginx Ingress controllers would more or less do the same thing for you but not solving your problem short-term. Yes, you'll have load balancing but not in the way you might think.

If you do not have any form of (private/public) cloud with k8s integration backing your k8s cluster up the Nginx and HAProxy Ingress controllers would only be another Service running in your cluster. You would of course be able to do smart things like proxying, URL routing, hostname matching etc.

One of the questions to answer if you're in a non-cloud provider environment (e.g. bare metal only) is: How do i get an IP-address in the EXTERNAL-IP field of a Service of type LoadBalancer? Note that i'm assuming the output of the kubectl get service command. One good answer is, as already stated in the comments here: MetalLB.

MetalLB will give you automation in regards to configuring the external IP(s) of your Service of type LoadBalancer. But you could also configure the externalIPs field of the Service object manually and set it to an IP address that would make sense in your environment. Thanks @danielrubambura for pointing this out!

Also see this page over at the official Nginx controller documentation that could shed some light on how and why to use MetalLB in some circumstances.

I'm leaving the comparison between Nginx and HAProxy controllers since i don't think that is important in this case. In the end they'll give you Nginx or HAProxy Pods configured as you want through the Ingress object, with e.g. routing to different Service's based on the Host header in the incoming requests.

Hopefully this clears things up a bit!

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mikejoh Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 07:10
