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Load new Data into Jquery DataTables

I load data into my table as follows:

 $(document).ready(function () {

     var variable= 'sometext'

         type: "POST",
         url: "GetJSON.ashx",
         cache: false,
         data: { param: variable},
         dataType: "json",
         success: function (data) {

             var html = '';
             for (var key = 0, size = data.length; key < size; key++) {
                 html += '<tr><td>' + data[key].SessionID + '</td><td>'
                 + data[key].val1+ '</td><td>'
                 + data[key].val2+ '</td><td>'
                 + data[key].val3+ '</td><td>'
                 + data[key].val4+ '</td><td>'
                 + data[key].val5+ '</td><td>'
                 + data[key].Status + '</td></tr>'

             otableName = $('#table).dataTable({
                 //"bDestroy": true,
                 "bPaginate": true,
                 "sPaginationType": "bootstrap",
                 "iDisplayLength": 20,
                 "sDom": "<'row-fluid'<'span6'T><'span6'f>r>t<'row-fluid'<'span6'i><'span6'p>>",
                 "oTableTools": {
                     "sSwfPath": "media/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf",
                     "aButtons": [
                         "sExtends": "collection",
                         "sButtonText": 'Save <span class="caret" />',
                         "aButtons": ["csv", "xls", "pdf"]

         error: function (xhr, status, error) {
             var err = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")");



this works perfectly fine, and renders a nice looking table. Now, i've added a drop down list which contains years (2009-2013), which when an users selects, calls out to another ashx page and retrieves all the records for a given year. What i'm struggling to do, is to send this new data set to the existing table.

I've tried this:

 $('#ArchiveYears').change(function () {
        var year = $("#ArchiveYears option:selected").text();

        var senderBIC = 'DIAGGB2LACTB'
        // Need to filter out the table with the year
            type: "POST",
            url: "GetJSONYearly.ashx",
            cache: false,
            data: { param: value, year: year },
            dataType: "json",
            success: function (data) {
                var dataTable = $('#table').dataTable();
                for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                    dataTable.oApi._fnAddData(oSettings, data[i]);
                oSettings.aiDisplay = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.slice();


which complains about oSettings not being declared!

So, what's the best way to drop existing table content, and load it with new?

Ok, so following your suggestion I tried the following :

success: function (data) {

                var dataTable = $('#tblMsgDateDetail').dataTable();



which throws this error dialog

after addData

oddly though the table redraws and display the correct amount of records, just no data.

like image 987
CSharpNewBee Avatar asked Aug 10 '13 17:08


People also ask

How do you insert data into a data table?

After you create a DataTable and define its structure using columns and constraints, you can add new rows of data to the table. To add a new row, declare a new variable as type DataRow. A new DataRow object is returned when you call the NewRow method.

What is Deferrender in DataTables?

This option allows DataTables to create the nodes (rows and cells in the table body) only when they are needed for a draw.

What is fnDrawCallback?

fnDrawCallback. Show details. This function is called on every 'draw' event, and allows you to dynamically modify any aspect you want about the created DOM.

1 Answers

Short response !

Demo (Thx Allan !)

bDeferRender: true can be use

you can easy change my addData function in order to add your ajax call


you should add some settings with your datatable . I think that you should begin to read the doc and see some examples here

For this error, you should define your columns and check sDefaultContent.

Example :

 $('#example').dataTable( {
    "aoColumnDefs": [
        "mData": null,
        "sDefaultContent": "Edit",
        "aTargets": [ 0 ]
  } ); 


if you load data server-side check this example. datatable does the job for you.

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#example').dataTable( {
        "bProcessing": true,
        "bServerSide": true,
        "sAjaxSource": "GetJSON.ashx"
    } );
} );

if you use dotnet (server-side) you can check this


Define your column into datatable so if your "data" result is something like :

"Receiver":"Win 98+ / OSX.2+", 

note sEcho must be increment server-side for each new ajax call iTotalRecords and iTotalDisplayRecords should be the same for you and it's number of row here you can set your column like this :

$(document).ready(function() { 
$('#example').dataTable( { 
"bProcessing": true, 
"bServerSide": true, 
"sAjaxSource": "GetJSON.ashx", 
"aoColumns": [ 
"bSortable": false, 
"bSearchable": false, 
"mData": "MsgRef", 
"sDefaultContent": "-" 
"bSortable": false, 
"bSearchable": false, 
"mData": "Sender", 
"sDefaultContent": "-" 
//[...] etc 
} ); 
} );

like this, if a property is null, sDefaultContent replace the null value in order to avoid your error "unknown parameter 0"

in order to work server-side, you should look : codeproject you can learn how to work with requests and parameters.

for example when you load your page at the first time, datatable send to you :


when user'll click on next page. datatable send to you :


when user'll click on next page. datatable send to you :


and you can imagine the rest...

i can't do ajax call for you ! So it's an example :

DEMO JsFiddle for UPDATE 1

and i strongly recommend to do UPDATE 3 in your situation !

I hope that it help to you. if it's good, you can resolve your post by checking my response. i will appreciate that !

like image 82
Olivier Albertini Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 04:11

Olivier Albertini