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Load ManyToOne Relation with Hibernate Envers - Eager/Lazy?

I use Hibernate Envers 4.3.10.Final. I have the following two JPA-classes:

public class Factory {
     private int factoryID;

public class Trgs{
     private int trgsID;

     private Factory factory;

I wrote a method that retuns all Audited Trgs Objects.

The method is :

public List<Trgs> readAuditedTrgs (List<Integer> trgsIds) {
      AuditReader reader = AuditReaderFactory.get(entityManager);
      AuditQuery query = reader.createQuery().forRevisionsOfEntity(Trgs.class, true, true);

      return  query.getResultList() ;

After executing the Method above, my result is a Audited Trgs List. Each Trgs Object has of course the correct and releated Audited Factory Object.

But the Problem is, that i have learned that Hibernate Envers always loads Relation LAZY.

So in my Case i have to iterate over the Trgs List and initialize each Factory Object.

 for (Trgs trgs : resultList) {

So if i had for example 300 Trgs Objects, i have to initialize 300 Factory Objects. And that costs sooooo much. I have to wait One Minute.

I have learned that it is not possible to Load The Factory Object Eagerly. But i need an other solution. I show this Data in a Dashboad Site (Web Project). The user can not wait one Minute until the data are loading.

Please Help me to solve this Problem. Thanks.

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java java Avatar asked Apr 24 '16 06:04

java java

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1 Answers

There are a number of improvements that the Envers AuditQuery API could use, this likely being a good example of its own short-comings. I have added HHH-11479 to JIRA to track this feature.

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Naros Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10
