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Load list with date value into pandas dataframe and plot activity over time

I have some Twitter data that I would like to plot activity overtime based on the type of tweet (tweet/mention/retweet).

The data is currently loaded into a list of tuples that contains date and type:

time = [('2014-04-13', 'tweet'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'tweet'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'mention'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'retweet'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'mention'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'tweet'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'retweet'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'mention'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'tweet'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'retweet'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'retweet'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'mention'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'tweet'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'tweet'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'tweet'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'tweet'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'mention'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'retweet'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'mention'),
        ('2014-04-13', 'tweet')]

I've loaded the data into a pandas DataFrame:

time_df = pd.DataFrame(time, columns=['date','time'])

Now that data looks like this:

         date     time
0  2014-04-13    tweet
1  2014-04-13    tweet
2  2014-04-13  mention
3  2014-04-13  retweet
4  2014-04-13  mention

However, now I'm lost when it comes to plotting this data over time. Also, I would like to break out each type (tweet/mention/retweet) as a different color line. I should also note that sometimes I might need to aggregate the data by day/week/month.

Ideally I would like my plot to look similar to the following plot, except with Tweet, Mention, Retweet:


like image 828
CurtLH Avatar asked Feb 13 '23 09:02


1 Answers

So, I think I understand what you need to do, even if this isn't explicit in your question.

Allow me to mock up some data:

import numpy as np
import pandas
import random

tweet_types = ['tweet', 'retweet', 'mention']
index = pandas.DatetimeIndex(freq='5min', start='2014-04-13', end='2014-05-13')
tweets = [random.choice(tweet_types) for _ in range(len(index))]
time_df = pandas.DataFrame(index=index, data=tweets, columns=['tweet type'])
time_df['day'] = time_df.index.date
time_df['count'] = 1

So the first few rows now look like this:

                     tweet type         day  count
2014-04-13 00:00:00     mention  2014-04-13      1
2014-04-13 00:05:00     mention  2014-04-13      1
2014-04-13 00:10:00       tweet  2014-04-13      1
2014-04-13 00:15:00       tweet  2014-04-13      1
2014-04-13 00:20:00     retweet  2014-04-13      1

I added the count value because we need something to total up for our daily aggregation, done here:

daily_counts = time_df.groupby(by=['tweet type', 'day']).count()
daily_counts_xtab = daily_counts.unstack(level='tweet type')['count']

Which gives us...

tweet type  mention  retweet  tweet
2014-04-13       89      101     98
2014-04-14       98      113     77
2014-04-15       87      103     98
2014-04-16       81      107    100
2014-04-17       96       92    100

So then


Gives me:

enter image description here

like image 198
Paul H Avatar answered Feb 14 '23 22:02

Paul H