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Load json data for the first time request and to display the same in Home Page

I am using Vue.js for the first time. I need to serialize the objects of django


 def articles(request):
        model = News.objects.all() # getting News objects list
        modelSerialize =  serializers.serialize('json', News.objects.all())
        random_generator = random.randint(1,News.objects.count())    
        context = {'models':modelSerialize, 
                  'title' : 'Articles' , 
                  'num_of_objects' : News.objects.count() , 
                  'random_order' :  random.randint(1,random_generator) ,
                  'random_object' : News.objects.get(id = random_generator ) ,
                  'first4rec' : model[0:4],
                  'next4rec' : model[4:],
        return render(request, 'articles.html',context)

I have tried to display serialized json data in html its working fine there,

Now , how to intialize json data in vue instance and to access in html using v-repeat attribute.


Please can any one help???

like image 432
light_ray Avatar asked Mar 20 '16 13:03


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1 Answers

A simple example.


def articles(request):
    context {
        'articles' : ['a1','a2','a3']
    return render(request, 'articles.html', context)


{% verbatim %}
<div id="app">
     <li v-for="a in articles">{{ a }}</li>
{% endverbatim %}

    new Vue({
        el : "#app",
        data : function(){
            return {
                articles : {{ articles | safe }}

Things to watch out for :

  • The verbatim tag to stop Django from rendering the contents of this block tag since Vue uses the same interpolating symbols.
  • The safe filter to prevent Django from escaping the contents.
  • If you are passing a dictionary, consider turning it into JSON first

Generally speaking, prefer passing data to Vue via Ajax

like image 194
zxzak Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09
