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Load a Bootstrap popover content with AJAX. Is this possible?

The appropriate bits of what I tried are here:

<a href="#" data-content="<div id='my_popover'></div>"> Click here </a>  $(".button").popover({html: true})  $(".button").click(function(){     $(this).popover('show');     $("#my_popover").load('my_stuff') }) 

When I click, I see the request get made, but doesn't populate the popover. I don't even see HTML for the popover get added to the DOM, but that could be firebug.

Has anyone tried this?

like image 709
CambridgeMike Avatar asked Nov 15 '11 00:11


People also ask

How do I use bootstrap Popovers?

How To Create a Popover. To create a popover, add the data-toggle="popover" attribute to an element. Note: Popovers must be initialized with jQuery: select the specified element and call the popover() method.

How do you refresh popover content?

options. content = 'new content'; This code should work fine even after first initializing the popover.

How does bootstrap define popover?

A Bootstrap Popover is an attribute in bootstrap that can be used to make any website look more dynamic. Popovers are generally used to display additional information about any element and are displayed with a click of a mouse pointer over that element.

How do I destroy bootstrap popover?

Click on all popovers and then click hide . After clicking hide you can click on the popovers again. Click on all popovers and then click destroy .

2 Answers

Works ok for me:

$('a.popup-ajax').popover({     "html": true,     "content": function(){         var div_id =  "tmp-id-" + $.now();         return details_in_popup($(this).attr('href'), div_id);     } });  function details_in_popup(link, div_id){     $.ajax({         url: link,         success: function(response){             $('#'+div_id).html(response);         }     });     return '<div id="'+ div_id +'">Loading...</div>'; } 
like image 87
Ivan Klass Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09

Ivan Klass

See my blog post for the working solution: https://medium.com/cagataygurturk/load-a-bootstrap-popover-content-with-ajax-8a95cd34f6a4

First we should add a data-poload attribute to the elements you would like to add a pop over to. The content of this attribute should be the url to be loaded (absolute or relative):

<a href="#" title="blabla" data-poload="/test.php">blabla</a> 

And in JavaScript, preferably in a $(document).ready();

$('*[data-poload]').hover(function() {     var e=$(this);     e.off('hover');     $.get(e.data('poload'),function(d) {         e.popover({content: d}).popover('show');     }); }); 

off('hover') prevents loading data more than once and popover() binds a new hover event. If you want the data to be refreshed at every hover event, you should remove the off.

Please see the working JSFiddle of the example.

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Çağatay Gürtürk Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Çağatay Gürtürk