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llvm: How to get the label of Basic Blocks

I have written a pass to detect and print the label of basicblocks in a function, for I want to use splitBasicBlock() further. I wrote that like this:

virtual bool runOnModule(Module &M)
    for(Module::iterator F = M.begin(), E = M.end(); F!= E; ++F)
        //for(Function::iterator BB = F->begin(), E = F->end(); BB != E; ++BB)
        for (iplist<BasicBlock>::iterator iter = F->getBasicBlockList().begin();
                    iter != F->getBasicBlockList().end();
          BasicBlock* currBB = iter;
          errs() << "BasicBlock: "  << currBB->getName() << "\n";   
    return true;

IR file looks like this:

; <label>:63                                      ; preds = %43
  %64 = load i32* %j, align 4
  %65 = sext i32 %64 to i64
  %66 = load i8** %tempdst, align 8
  %67 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %66, i64 %65
  store i8 -1, i8* %67, align 1
  br label %73

; <label>:68                                      ; preds = %43
  %69 = load i32* %j, align 4
  %70 = sext i32 %69 to i64
  %71 = load i8** %tempdst, align 8
  %72 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %71, i64 %70
  store i8 0, i8* %72, align 1
  br label %73

; <label>:73                                      ; preds = %68, %63
  br label %74

However, I got nothing about the label:


What's wrong with these "unnamed" basic block? What should I do?

like image 890
winter333 Avatar asked Oct 09 '14 15:10


People also ask

What is a basic block in LLVM?

LLVM-C: C interface to LLVM » Core. A basic block represents a single entry single exit section of code. Basic blocks contain a list of instructions which form the body of the block.

What is block in compiler design?

Basic Block is a straight line code sequence that has no branches in and out branches except to the entry and at the end respectively. Basic Block is a set of statements that always executes one after other, in a sequence. The first task is to partition a sequence of three-address code into basic blocks.

1 Answers

While BasicBlocks may be with no name (as indicated by hasName() method) one may print unique BasicBlock identifier by using currBB->printAsOperand(errs(), false) instead of streaming into errs() the value of currBB->getName(). For unnamed BasicBlock this would provide the numerical basic block representation, such as %68 .

like image 129
ElazarR Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 17:10
