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LLDB equivalent of gdb's future-break?

I keep a future-break objc_exception_throw in my .gdbinit (because I generally debug in AppCode, which doesn't yet have a GUI means of configuring breaks on objective-c exceptions).

Is there an equivalent for LLDB?

like image 579
Cris Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 05:11


1 Answers

If you create a ".lldbinit" file in the directory from which you are debugging and then specify the file on the command line:

% cat ./.lldbinit
breakpoint set --name objc_exception_throw
% lldb /bin/ls
(lldb) breakpoint list --full
Current breakpoints:
1: name = 'objc_exception_throw', locations = 0 (pending)

This should help you to work around the issue for now.

The ".lldbinit" file ordering is:

  • check for app specific ~/.lldbinit-lldb file (where "lldb" is the name of the application that is running the LLDB.framework, you can add a ~/.lldbinit-Xcode for Xcode only command) if available
  • if no app specific file from step 1, then source "~/.lldbinit" if it exists
  • load the file and process the options from the "lldb" command line command
  • parse the local "./.lldbinit" file from the current working directory.
  • like image 81
    Greg Clayton Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11

    Greg Clayton