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LiveReload Ionic: ​The connection to the server was unsuccessful (

I'm trying to run my App at Android device with LiveReload. With "ionic run android" command, everything works but when I try to execute "ionic run android -l" to use livereload I'm getting this error after SplashScreen:

​The connection to the server was unsuccessful (

  1. I'm using windows and I've created an inbound rule to allow 8100 and 35729 ports at Windows Firewall but still not working.

  2. The Cordova Whitelist Plugin is also installed and configured at config.xml:

    <content src="index.html"/> <access origin="*"/> <allow-navigation href="http://ionic.local/*"/> <allow-navigation href="*"/> <allow-navigation href=""/> <allow-intent href="http://*/*"/> <allow-intent href="https://*/*"/>

  3. I'm running to device using USB Cable.

  4. Versions:

    • node v6.9.5 npm v4.3.0 ionic v2.2.1
  5. I've already tried to add

    <preference name="loadUrlTimeoutValue" value="700000" />​

but in this case, I'm getting timeout error. Could you help me?

like image 452
Thiago Coelho Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 01:11

Thiago Coelho

1 Answers

My PC has two ethernet drivers and the app was starting with the wrong IP, I solve using "--address

like image 72
Thiago Coelho Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Thiago Coelho