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Listing messages with more precision than yyyy/mm/dd

I'm trying to get all the messages sent to a user after a certain point in time, by using the Gmail API. I've successfully retrieved messages after a certain date by using the query q=after:2015/01/19 in the API Explorer.

I would like to be more specific than this and specify an hour and a minute of the day. Is this possible? I ask since the Advanced Search-specification only contains the most useful operators.

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Tholle Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 08:03


1 Answers

You can use a search query to list messages after a certain date with second accuracy.

Use the search term after:SOME_TIME_IN_SECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH. Gmail supports the after keyword using a timestamp instead of the yyyy/mm/dd format.

like image 156
aloo Avatar answered Apr 28 '23 13:04
