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Listing all extras of an Intent

People also ask

What is the main use of the extra data in an intent?

Whenever you need data from an activity to be in another activity, you can pass data between then while starting the activities. Intents in android offers this convenient way to pass data between activities using Extras. Creating multiple activities to display contents of same properties is not an ideal solution.

Which method helps to add extra data into intent?

putExtra("id".....), I would suggest, when it makes sense, using the current standard fields that can be used with putExtra(), i.e. Intent. EXTRA_something. A full list can be found at Intent (Android Developers).

Here's what I used to get information on an undocumented (3rd-party) intent:

Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
if (bundle != null) {
    for (String key : bundle.keySet()) {
        Log.e(TAG, key + " : " + (bundle.get(key) != null ? bundle.get(key) : "NULL"));

Make sure to check if bundle is null before the loop.

This is how I define utility method to dump all extras of an Intent.

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import android.os.Bundle;

public static void dumpIntent(Intent i){

    Bundle bundle = i.getExtras();
    if (bundle != null) {
        Set<String> keys = bundle.keySet();
        Iterator<String> it = keys.iterator();
        Log.e(LOG_TAG,"Dumping Intent start");
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String key = it.next();
            Log.e(LOG_TAG,"[" + key + "=" + bundle.get(key)+"]");
        Log.e(LOG_TAG,"Dumping Intent end");

You can do it in one line of code:

Log.d("intent URI", intent.toUri(0));

It outputs something like:

"#Intent;action=android.intent.action.MAIN;category=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER;launchFlags=0x10a00000;component=com.mydomain.myapp/.StartActivity;sourceBounds=12%20870%20276%201167; l.profile=0; end"

At the end of this string (the part that I bolded) you can find the list of extras (only one extra in this example).

This is according to the toUri documentation: "The URI contains the Intent's data as the base URI, with an additional fragment describing the action, categories, type, flags, package, component, and extras."

private TextView tv;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    tv = new TextView(this);
    tv.setText("Extras: \n\r");


    StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
    Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
    if (bundle != null) {
        Set<String> keys = bundle.keySet();
        Iterator<String> it = keys.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String key = it.next();

The get(String key) method of Bundle returns an Object. Your best bet is to spin over the key set calling get(String) on each key and using toString() on the Object to output them. This will work best for primitives, but you may run into issues with Objects that do not implement a toString().

I wanted a way to output the contents of an intent to the log, and to be able to read it easily, so here's what I came up with. I've created a LogUtil class, and then took the dumpIntent() method @Pratik created, and modified it a bit. Here's what it all looks like:

public class LogUtil {

    private static final String TAG = "IntentDump";

    public static void dumpIntent(Intent i){
        Bundle bundle = i.getExtras();
        if (bundle != null) {
            Set<String> keys = bundle.keySet();

            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            stringBuilder.append("IntentDump \n\r");

            for (String key : keys) {

            Log.i(TAG, stringBuilder.toString());

Hope this helps someone!