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ListBucketResult xml trying to show home page of site in S3 thorugh CloudFront

I created a bucket where I´m hosting my static website.

I set the properties to use it as static website hosting (which index document value index.html)

The URL was: http://mywebsitelearningcurve.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com (not currently up, just to explain)

I exposed it as public (permission).

Overview of my bucket


Using http://mywebsitelearningcurve.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com I could access to my site. However I decided to use CloudFront in front of my bucket.

I created a new distribution for WEB.

On Origin Domain Name I used mywebsitelearningcurve.s3.amazonaws.com

Origin ID: S3-mywebsitelearningcurve

In Viewer Protocol Policy I selected: Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.

Once it finished and I waited for a prudential time to propagate, I had the url https://d2qf2r44tssakh.cloudfront.net/ (not currently up, just to explain).

The issue: When I tried to use https://d2qf2r44tssakh.cloudfront.net/ it showed me a xml

<ListBucketResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/"><Name>mywebsitelearningcurve</Name>

However, when I tried https://d2qf2r44tssakh.cloudfront.net/index.html it works properly.

I go through several tutos and post but I can´t still make it work. Anyone can provide help? Thanks

like image 735
Peter Avatar asked Jun 16 '18 22:06


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Open the CloudFront console. Choose Create Distribution. Under Origin, for Origin domain, choose your S3 bucket's REST API endpoint from the dropdown list. Or, enter your S3 bucket's website endpoint.

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1 Answers

I had the same problem today and was able to fix it by adding index.html to the Default Root Object in the distribution settings:

enter image description here

Optional. The object that you want CloudFront to return (for example, index.html) when a viewer request points to your root URL (http://www.example.com) instead of to a specific object in your distribution (http://www.example.com/index.html).

like image 139
Andre Gallo Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 14:11

Andre Gallo