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Listbox item click animation toolkit?

Is there some toolkit for the animation when a user clicks on a list box item? The animation that I am referring to is when you tap on a list box item (like an email in your inbox) and the text depresses under your finger (or topple? its kind of hard to describe). I see this in many Windows Phone 7 applications like Yelp, OneBusAway, GoVoice, etc and was wondering if there was some toolkit for this animation or if I have to develop this animation on my own.

If anyone know if such a toolkit exists or not please let me know! I could do this using storyboards but I don't want to reinvent the wheel unless I have to :).

Thanks! Haji

like image 483
hajpoj Avatar asked Dec 19 '10 00:12


1 Answers

This would be Tilt Effect. Detailed here.

Tilt Effect Overview for Windows Phone

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Mick N Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 14:10

Mick N