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List tables within a Postgres schema using R




I'm connecting to a PostgreSQL db using R and the RPostgreSQL package. The db has a number of schemas and I would like to know which tables are associated with a specific schema.

So far I have tried:

dbListTables(db, schema="sch2014")
dbGetQuery(db, "dt sch2014.*")
dbGetQuery(db, "\dt sch2014.*")
dbGetQuery(db, "\\dt sch2014.*")

None of which have worked.

This related question also exists: Setting the schema name in postgres using R, which would solve the problem by defining the schema at the connection. However, it's not yet been answered!

like image 223
MikeRSpencer Avatar asked May 01 '17 14:05


2 Answers

Reading this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/15644435/2773500 helped. I can use the following to get the tables associated with a specific schema:

           "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
                   WHERE table_schema='sch2014'")
like image 166
MikeRSpencer Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 03:11


The following should work (using DBI_v1.1.1)

DBI::dbListObjects(conn, DBI::Id(schema = 'schema_name'))

While it has all the info you want, it's hard to access and hard to read.

I would recommend something that produces a data frame:

# get a hard to read table given some Postgres connection `conn`
x = DBI::dbListObjects(conn, DBI::Id(schema = 'schema_name'))

# - extract column "table" comprising a list of Formal class 'Id' objects then
# - extract the 'name' slot for each S4 object element
# could also do `lapply(d$table, function(x) x@name)`
v = lapply(x$table, function(x) slot(x, 'name'))

# create a dataframe with header 'schema', 'table'
d = as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, v))

Or in one line:

d = as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(DBI::dbListObjects(conn, DBI::Id(schema = 'schema_name'))$table, function(x) slot(x, 'name'))))

Or in a more "tidy" way:

conn %>%
    DBI::dbListObjects(DBI::Id(schema = 'schema_name')) %>%
    dplyr::pull(table) %>%
    purrr::map(~slot(.x, 'name')) %>%

OUTPUT is something like

> d
          schema     table
1    schema_name    mtcars
like image 36
Danton Noriega Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11

Danton Noriega