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List Scheduled Queries in BigQuery

I have a need to (programatically) analyse the details of Scheduled Queries in BigQuery (eg which tables are updated and which tables accessed in the SQL). I have done something similar for the BQ Tables/Views using Apps Script BigQuery.Tables.list(), but I cannot find an API to access the Scheduled Queries.

The UI is able to list them, so I feel this should be possible programmatically, e.g. via a REST API. Does anyone know if this is possible, what interface is supported (Apps Script, REST ...), and possibly an example of how to use it.

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Olde Ted Avatar asked Apr 18 '19 12:04

Olde Ted

2 Answers

Scheduled queries are part of BigQuery's Data Transfer Service so you have to use its API. In particular, the projects.transferConfigs.list method. Fill in the dataSourceIds field with scheduled_query and parent with projects/PROJECT_ID. As discussed in the comments, if you are using a regional location such as europe-west2 instead of a multi-regional one (EU or US) you should use projects.locations.transferConfigs.list instead. Now, parent resource will be in the form of projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGIONAL_LOCATION.

In addition, for other transfers you can get the corresponding dataSourceIds using the projects.dataSources.list method. That's how I got the scheduled_query one.

Response will be an array of scheduled queries such as:

  "name": "projects/<PROJECT_NUMBER>/locations/us/transferConfigs/<TRANSFER_CONFIG_ID>",
  "destinationDatasetId": "<DATASET>",
  "displayName": "hacker-news",
  "updateTime": "2018-11-14T15:39:18.897911Z",
  "dataSourceId": "scheduled_query",
  "schedule": "every 24 hours",
  "nextRunTime": "2019-04-19T15:39:00Z",
  "params": {
    "write_disposition": "WRITE_APPEND",
    "query": "SELECT @run_time AS time,\n  title,\n  author,\n  text\nFROM `bigquery-public-data.hacker_news.stories`\nLIMIT\n  1000",
    "destination_table_name_template": "hacker_daily_news"
  "state": "SUCCEEDED",
  "userId": "<USER_ID>",
  "datasetRegion": "us"

Example of an API call with bash and curl:


# parameter(s)

authToken="$(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
projectId=$(gcloud config get-value project 2>\dev\null)

# API call
scheduled_queries=$(curl  -H "Authorization: Bearer $authToken" \

# pretty print results
echo $scheduled_queries | python -m json.tool
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Guillem Xercavins Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10

Guillem Xercavins

The above answers are excellent responses for using the REST API. For completeness, I'd like to include the CLI commands approach for solving the same thing. Personally I find this better suited for shell scripts but YMMV.

Example: List of Schedule Queries from Default Project.

bq ls --transfer_config --transfer_location=US --format=prettyjson

Example: Details of a Schedule Query from Default Project.

bq show --format=prettyjson --transfer_config [RESOURCE_NAME]
# RESOURCE_NAME is a value you can get from the above bq ls command.

Further details can be found here.

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Mark Spiezio Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10

Mark Spiezio