Where can I find a list of the the Express / Node.js http.STATUS_CODES?
The value of HTTP status codes There are 16 status codes defined in RFC1945 (the HTTP 1.0 specification). These status codes were motivated by pragmatism. Web browsers are generic, in that they can be used to talk to any web server.
http module The HTTP options specify the headers, destination address, and request method type. Next, we use http. request to send the data to the server and await the response. The response is stored in the req variable, and upon error, it is logged into the console.
The http. createServer() method turns your computer into an HTTP server. The http. createServer() method creates an HTTP Server object. The HTTP Server object can listen to ports on your computer and execute a function, a requestListener, each time a request is made.
By opening a terminal and typing
$ node > http.STATUS_CODES { '100': 'Continue', '101': 'Switching Protocols', '102': 'Processing', '200': 'OK', '201': 'Created', '202': 'Accepted', '203': 'Non-Authoritative Information', '204': 'No Content', '205': 'Reset Content', '206': 'Partial Content', '207': 'Multi-Status', '300': 'Multiple Choices', '301': 'Moved Permanently', '302': 'Moved Temporarily', '303': 'See Other', '304': 'Not Modified', '305': 'Use Proxy', '307': 'Temporary Redirect', '400': 'Bad Request', '401': 'Unauthorized', '402': 'Payment Required', '403': 'Forbidden', '404': 'Not Found', '405': 'Method Not Allowed', '406': 'Not Acceptable', '407': 'Proxy Authentication Required', '408': 'Request Time-out', '409': 'Conflict', '410': 'Gone', '411': 'Length Required', '412': 'Precondition Failed', '413': 'Request Entity Too Large', '414': 'Request-URI Too Large', '415': 'Unsupported Media Type', '416': 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', '417': 'Expectation Failed', '418': 'I\'m a teapot', '422': 'Unprocessable Entity', '423': 'Locked', '424': 'Failed Dependency', '425': 'Unordered Collection', '426': 'Upgrade Required', '428': 'Precondition Required', '429': 'Too Many Requests', '431': 'Request Header Fields Too Large', '500': 'Internal Server Error', '501': 'Not Implemented', '502': 'Bad Gateway', '503': 'Service Unavailable', '504': 'Gateway Time-out', '505': 'HTTP Version Not Supported', '506': 'Variant Also Negotiates', '507': 'Insufficient Storage', '509': 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', '510': 'Not Extended', '511': 'Network Authentication Required' }
Duh. This list is based on RFC 2616 "Status Code Definitions".
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