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List of known bugs in C# compiler

Is there such a list? I don't expect to get a complete one, but the list of most well-known ones must be enough.

like image 708
Alex Yakunin Avatar asked Jul 15 '09 08:07

Alex Yakunin

People also ask

What are bugs in C?

In computer technology, a bug is a coding error in a computer program. (We consider a program to also include the microcode that is manufactured into a microprocessor.) The process of finding bugs -- before users do -- is called debugging.

What are bugs give examples?

A bug is a general term used to describe any unexpected problem with hardware or software. For example, Grace Hopper logged and taped a moth bug in a log book that caused issues with the Mark II.

2 Answers

the list of recently fixed bugs could be found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc713578.aspx They call it "Breaking changes".

like image 74
Dmitry Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10


Try http://connect.microsoft.com/feedback/default.aspx?SiteID=210

Which version of the .Net framework btw?

I believe that the CLR has been largely stable and bug free since .Net 1.1 SP 1, certainly if in doubt, assume that its a bug in your code not .Net!

like image 36
Justin Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10
