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List of Emoji's required in XML, JSON or CSV format


Is there any resource available on the internet where I could find a whole list of emoji symbols/unicodes in XML format, so that I could implement them as a part in my project:

Emoji Symbol Examples:

<key name="soccer_ball">⚽</key>
<key name="basket_ball">🏀</key>


Emoji Unicode Examples:

<key name="soccer_ball">0x26bd</key>
<key name="basket_ball">0x1f3c0</key>

Similar to these, all Emojis present in the Facebook app, I would like to implement something like that in my project, if not in XML format, then probably be in converted JSON or CSV format.

I've googled a lot, but haven't found any relevant source yet. Any help will be highly appreciated.


like image 835
Haris Lodhi Avatar asked Aug 09 '16 05:08

Haris Lodhi

1 Answers

The official list of Unicode emojis can be found at http://unicode.org/Public/emoji/latest/ in text format. At the time of writing, the latest version is 3.0. There's also draft data for version 4.0 at http://unicode.org/Public/emoji/4.0/. Also see Unicode Technical Report #51: Unicode Emoji.

It should be easy to convert the text file into CSV, XML, or JSON.

like image 119
nwellnhof Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09
