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List of annotations in JUnit




Recently, I have studied and implemented the JUnit framework. As a result i am aware of few annotations which are used in JUnit :- @Test, @Before, @After, @Ignore, @BeforeClass, @AfterClass, @Runwith(Suite.class), @SuiteClasses({}), @Parameters, @RunWith(Parameterized.class) and @Rule.

I am sure there are more annotations which are used in JUnit. Can anybody guide me with a list of more annotations that can be used and under what circumstances they are used?


like image 974
silver_noodles Avatar asked Apr 02 '13 09:04


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1 Answers

This Github search (@interface) gives you the list of all the annotations :


Basic Annotations

@Test @Before @After @AfterClass @BeforeClass @Ignore @Runwith

Parameterized Tests

For Parameterized tests use @Parameters and @RunWith(Parameterized.class)


Grouping tests into categories. e.g. Fast, Slow etc.


Runs only the classes and methods that are annotated with either the category given with the @IncludeCategory annotation, or a subtype of that category.

Inverse of @IncludeCategory


Rules allow very flexible addition or redefinition of the behavior of each test method in a test class. e.g. Creating a Temp Folder rule for creating a temp folder while running tests.


Theory and related annotations

Theories give more flexible and expressive assertions


Annotating an field or method with @DataPoint will cause the field value or the value returned by the method to be used as a potential parameter for theories in that class


Extension of @Datapoint
Annotating an array or iterable-typed field or method with @DataPoints will cause the values in the array or iterable given to be used as potential parameters for theories in that class


Annotating a parameter of a @Theory method with @FromDataPoints will limit the datapoints considered as potential values for that parameter to just the @DataPoints with the given name

Annotating a @Theory method parameter with @ParametersSuppliedBy causes it to be supplied with values from the named ParameterSupplier when run as a theory


The @TestedOn annotation takes an array of values to be used as data points for the annotated parameter.


@Theory public void multiplyIsInverseOfDivideWithInlineDataPoints(         @TestedOn(ints = {0, 5, 10}) int amount,         @TestedOn(ints = {0, 1, 2}) int m ) {     assumeThat(m, not(0));     assertThat(new Dollar(amount).times(m).divideBy(m).getAmount(), is(amount)); } 
like image 57
Ajay George Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Ajay George