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List as output parameter in Java

I am trying to write a Java function which has List object as output parameter.

boolean myFunction(int x, in y, List myList)
    ...Do things...
    myList=anotherList.subList(fromIndex, toIndex);
    return true

Before that I call the function I declare myList as follow: List myList=null; Then I call the function myFunction(x,y,myList) But when I try to manipulate myList, I find that myList is still null.

I am sure the variable "antherList" in my function code is not null and I am sure that the subList function return a non-empty List.

What is the reason, and how can pass a List as output parameter in a Java function? Thank you very much.

like image 823
Rami Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 18:12


1 Answers

Java always uses pass by value. This means that manipulating a passed variable won't affect the variable that was passed by the caller.

In order to solve your problem there are some possibilities:

  • Return the sublist:

    List myFunction(int x, int y) { return anotherList.subList(....);}

    I know that this way gets rids of your boolean return value.

  • Create a structure that holds the pointer to the List and.

    class Reference <T>
        public T ref;
    boolean myFunction(int x, int y, Reference<List> listRef)
          listRef.ref = anotherList.subList(....);
          return true;
  • Create a structure that holds all the output you want the method to return:

    class MyFunctionOutput
         List list;
         boolean b;
    MyFunctionOutput myFunction(int x, int y)
         MyFunctionOutput out = new MyFunctionOutput();
         out.list = anotherList.subList(....);
         out.b = true;
         return out;
  • Or the most easy way: pass an initialized List instead of null and let the function add the sublist, like Attila suggested.

like image 170
Martijn Courteaux Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 02:12

Martijn Courteaux