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List adapter vs recycle view adapter

Im looking for the difference in using list adapter and recycleview adapter in android. Any different about performance, pros and cons in using them.

like image 661
Đàm Tùng Avatar asked Mar 05 '21 02:03

Đàm Tùng

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2 Answers

ListAdapter is just an extension of RecyclerView.Adapter . Its computes diffs between Lists on a background thread with AsyncListDiff.

You can obviously create a RecyclerView.Adapter to work in same way . Its just ListAdapter already works on this principal out of the box. It defines a contract to force DiffUtil uses hence both of its constructor need a DiffChecker.

Performance will be same if you use ListAdapter or a RecyclerView.Adapter with AsyncDiffChecker. Without async Diff checker ListAdapter's performance will be better.

like image 123
ADM Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 01:09



  • best if the list is static


  • best if the list is dynamic
like image 23
Jasper Calapini Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09

Jasper Calapini