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Liquibase run changeset every time

I want to insert usernames to the database based on a system property. The system property value can be


This process must be repeatable, meaning that every time the applications is deployed, the migration/changeset must check the system property, and if it has changed and the users are not already in the database it should insert them. In order to achieve this I am thinking of using the customChange tag. But I want this change to run every time the liquibase runs. Is this possible using liquibase or should I create a custom contextLoadListener?

like image 393
Ervis Zyka Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 19:12

Ervis Zyka

1 Answers

A standard attribute available to all changesets is the runAlways attribute, which should do what you want. There is also a runOnChange attribute available.

Documentation on the attributes available is here: http://www.liquibase.org/documentation/changeset.html

like image 144
SteveDonie Avatar answered Dec 21 '22 10:12
