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liquibase modal dialog on non-local db



I am using liquibase to create some tables in Oracle and I am using oracle6 driver.

Now when I point my liquibase to a database that is not on my local machine there is a modal dialog comming up saying something like "You are connecting to a remote database. Do you want that?".

Does someone know how to turn off this dialog? Liquibase with this thing is kind of not usable on Jenkins or a remote machine without X11 turned on.

like image 512
Thomas Avatar asked Jul 28 '14 08:07


1 Answers

I found an answer here http://blog.nutpan.com/2012/03/liquibase-maven-plugin-issue-with-non.html The solution is to add the following to your liquibase-plugin part in your pom.xml

like image 109
Thomas Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 20:11
