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Liquibase: How to set the default value of a date column to be "now" in UTC format?




How do you set the default value of a date column to be "now" in UTC format? I think the answer involves the defaultValueComputed attribute on the column element.

The documentation states:

defaultValueComputed A value that is returned from a function or procedure call. This attribute will contain the function to call.

What langauge is the function referred to supposed to be written in? Java? Is the function supposed to be the database vendor -specific date function I want to use? Is there any more documentation I can read on this topic?

like image 572
Jeff Avatar asked May 08 '14 18:05


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1 Answers

Maybe this topic in the liquibase forum will help?

I think defaultValueComputed will take a database specific function to express "now". In mySQL it would be CURRENT_TIMESTAMP so it could look like this:

<createTable tableName="D_UserSession">     <column name="ts" type="TIMESTAMP" defaultValueComputed="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"/> </createTable> 

(Copied from the forum post.)

like image 182
Jens Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 11:09
