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Linux command to translate DomainName to IP [closed]

People also ask

What command resolves a URL to and IP only in Linux?

The host command is a DNS lookup utility used to convert domain names to IP addresses and reverse IP lookup.

How do I find the IP address of a domain name in Linux?

nslookup google.com :nslookup followed by the domain name will display the “A Record” (IP Address) of the domain. Use this command to find the address record for a domain.

What is the command used by DNS to translate?

The host command is a simple tool for doing DNS lookups. It can translate domain names to IP addresses, IP addresses to domain names, identify name servers and even find out the domain mail server for an address.

Use this

$ dig +short stackoverflow.com

or this

$ host stackoverflow.com

stackoverflow.com has address
stackoverflow.com mail is handled by 30 alt2.aspmx.l.google.com.
stackoverflow.com mail is handled by 40 aspmx2.googlemail.com.
stackoverflow.com mail is handled by 50 aspmx3.googlemail.com.
stackoverflow.com mail is handled by 10 aspmx.l.google.com.
stackoverflow.com mail is handled by 20 alt1.aspmx.l.google.com.

You can use:

nslookup www.example.com