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Linux command 'll' is not working




I am able to run ll command with my user but not with sudo, it giving me error as command not found!

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Nishank Tyagi Avatar asked Nov 17 '17 06:11

Nishank Tyagi

People also ask

What is LL in Linux command?

ll. List the names of the files in the current directory along with the permissions, date, time and size. ll directory. List the names of the files in directory along with the permissions, date, time and size.

Why ls command is not working?

Because ls is a bash command. CMD and bash are two entirely different command-line shells. The equivalent command in CMD for ls is DIR.

What is the difference between ls and LL command?

Most Unix/Linux setups will use the alias “alias ll='ls -l'” in the shell setup file (eg ~/. bashrc) to create the command. So, in answer to the question, there is no difference, if the alias is set up.

What is the output of LL in Linux?

ls stands for List, the ls command is used to display the directory contents. It lists bunch of information about files and directories such as file permissions, number of links, owner name, owner group, file size, time of last modification, and file/directory name. The ls command output comes with seven fields.

2 Answers

Create an alias for ll.

alias ll="ls -al" 
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James Jithin Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09

James Jithin

Try sudo ls -l.

As ll is a shorthand for ls -l.

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Vikash Pareek Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09

Vikash Pareek