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LINQ xml finding nodes returns null





I try to parse an xml file with XDocument class, with criteria that if the child node matches a given string, its parent node is selected.

<SalesQuotes xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.some.com/version/1">
    <Comments>Please note:
installation is not included in this quote

I tried using

var contents = File.ReadAllText(path: "test1.xml");
var doc = XDocument.Parse(contents);
var root = doc.Root;
var sq = root.Elements("SalesQuote");//return null

var theQuote = root.Elements("SalesQuote").Where(el => el.Element("Guid").Value == "825634b9-28f5-4aa7-98e7-5e4a4ed6bc6a");//return null

var theAlternativeQuote =
            from el in doc.Descendants("SalesQuote").Elements("Guid")
            where el.Value == "825634b9-28f5-4aa7-98e7-5e4a4ed6bc6a"
            select el;//return null

I can't seem to find what's wrong.

Any help is much appreciated! Thanks.

like image 763
Isaac L Avatar asked Jan 29 '23 20:01

Isaac L

1 Answers

You ignored the namespace bro.

Do remove the xmlns attribute in your XML or try this:

var contents = File.ReadAllText("XMLFile1.xml");
var doc = XDocument.Parse(contents);
var root = doc.Root;
XNamespace ns = "http://api.some.com/version/1";
var sq = root.Descendants(ns + "SalesQuotes"); //return null

var theQuote = root.Elements(ns + "SalesQuote")
    .Where(el => el.Element(ns + "Guid").Value == "825634b9-28f5-4aa7-98e7-5e4a4ed6bc6a"); //return null

var theAlternativeQuote =
    from el in doc.Descendants(ns + "SalesQuote").Elements(ns + "Guid")
    where el.Value == "825634b9-28f5-4aa7-98e7-5e4a4ed6bc6a"
    select el; //return null
like image 108
Ferhat Sayan Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 14:02

Ferhat Sayan