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LINQ to XML: What is the most effective way to move nodes up and down

I need to move sibling nodes before and after certain nodes. Here is the code im working with


I would like to move the tab with testing in it above Overview. How would I go about this using linq to XML?

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Luke101 Avatar asked Sep 12 '10 17:09


3 Answers

You can move the elements by removing them and then reinserting them at the desired position:

var doc = XDocument.Parse(@"<tabs>...</tabs>");

var tab = doc.Root.Elements().ElementAt(1);

Alternatively, you can create a new document from the existing elements in the desired order:

var doc = XDocument.Parse(@"<tabs>...</tabs>");

var tabs = doc.Root.Elements();

var result = new XDocument(
                 new XElement("tabs", 

I haven't tested it, but this might work:

void Swap(XElement a, XElement b)
    var c = new XElement("dummy");
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dtb Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10


Sorry, this is VB.NET and XML Literals, but it can be done old school in C#. The idea here is to use the Reverse extention method:

Sub Main()
        Dim tab = <tabs>
        Console.WriteLine(SwapElements("Testing", "Performance", tab).ToString)
    End Sub
    Function SwapElements(ByVal firstElement As String, ByVal secondElement As String, ByVal tab As XElement) As XElement
        Dim swapped = tab.Elements.Where(Function(e) e.Value = firstElement Or e.Value = secondElement).Reverse
        Dim middle = tab.Elements.SelectMany(Function(e) e.ElementsAfterSelf.Where(Function(f) e.Value = firstElement).TakeWhile(Function(g) g.Value <> secondElement))
        Return <<%= tab.Name %>>
                   <%= tab.Elements.Select(Function(e) e.ElementsBeforeSelf.Where(Function(f) e.Value = firstElement)) %>
                   <%= swapped %>
                   <%= tab.Elements.Select(Function(e) e.ElementsAfterSelf.Where(Function(f) e.Value = secondElement)) %>
    End Function
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Todd Main Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10

Todd Main

You can use something like:

    var tests = from node in doc.Descendants("name") where node.Value == "Testing" select node;
    var test = tests.Single();
    var tab = test.Parent;
    var tabs = tab.Parent;

Not sure how much of your XML structure is fixed / known.

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Henk Holterman Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10

Henk Holterman