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LINQ to XML GroupBy

I want to use LINQ to convert input XML to output XML by performing GROUPBY on "Summary" field and SUM up the Balance field.

Input XML:

    <Comprehensive>Interest Checking Account</Comprehensive>
    <Comprehensive>Market Account</Comprehensive>
    <Comprehensive>Interest Checking Account</Comprehensive>

Output XML:

    <Comprehensive>Interest Checking Account</Comprehensive>
    <Comprehensive>Market Account</Comprehensive>

I tried this but not able to get nodes/elements:

XElement groupData = new XElement("Root",
    chartData.Elements().GroupBy(x => x.Element("Summary").Value).
        Select(g => new XElement("Account", g.Key, g.Elements("Comprehensive"),
                s =>

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

like image 704
Ganesha Avatar asked Apr 09 '11 06:04


2 Answers

In case you don't want intermediary objects you can use

    XDocument input = XDocument.Load("input.xml");
    XDocument output =
        new XDocument(
            new XElement(input.Root.Name,
                from account in input.Root.Elements("Account")
                group account by account.Element("Summary").Value into g
                select new XElement("Account",
                    g.ElementAt(0).Elements().Where(e => e.Name != "Balance"),
                    new XElement("Balance", g.Elements("Balance").Sum(b => (decimal)b)

or with method syntax you could use

    XDocument input = XDocument.Load(@"input.xml");
    XDocument output = new XDocument(
            new XElement(input.Root.Name,
                .GroupBy(a => a.Element("Summary").Value)
                .Select(g => new XElement("Account",
                    g.ElementAt(0).Elements().Where(e => e.Name != "Balance"),
                    new XElement("Balance", g.Elements("Balance").Sum(b => (decimal)b)
like image 83
Martin Honnen Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 17:11

Martin Honnen

I would suggest projecting into normal objects, grouping them, then projecting back into XML:

var data = from acct in chartData.Elements()
           select new {
               Summary = (string)acct.Element("Summary"),
               Comprehensive = (string)acct.Element("Comprehensive"),
               Currency = (string)acct.Element("Currency"),
               Balance = (decimal)acct.Element("Balance"),

var grouped = from acct in data
              group acct by acct.Summary into g
              select new {
                  Summary = g.Key,
                  Comprehensive = g.First().Comprehensive,
                  Currency = g.First().Comprehensive,
                  Balance = g.Sum(),

var groupData = new XElement("Root",
     from g in grouped
     select new XElement("Account",
             new XElement("Summary", g.Summary),
             new XElement("Comprehensive", g.Comprehensive),
             new XElement("Currency", g.Currency),
             new XElement("Balance", g.Balance.ToString("0.000000"))
like image 31
dahlbyk Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 17:11
