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Linq stored procedure to return XML

I am using Entity Framework code-first approach. I want to call a stored procedure from the DbContext class and to get XML output.

Stored procedure (SQL Server):

    DECLARE @xml1 xml

    SET @xml1 = (SELECT * from Product FOR XML RAW) 

    SELECT @xml1 AS my_xml

LINQ Entity Framework:

using (DBContext db = new DBContext())
    var ProductList = await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync("exec xml_test");

Here the ProductList list is returning -1.

I want to get the xml output which is returned by the stored procedure.

Note: I have also tried methods like: ExecuteSqlCommand, SqlQuery with no help.

like image 364
Pearl Avatar asked Dec 22 '16 06:12


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How to configure stored procedure with DBML?

As you click on Configure Behavior option , Now time to Select BEHAVIOR and CUSTOMISE option to configure Stored Procedure with DBML. In the above screen shot we had configured stpInsertFriend same way we have to do Mapping for all CRUD base stored procedures.

How to add stored procedure in Visual Studio Code?

Now switch to Visual Studio and click on App_Code folder then Double click on FriendDataClasses.dbml file. Click on Server Explorer which is left hand side. Drag n drop tblFriends on DBML canvas. Drag n drop stored procedure on DBML canvas. After draggin and dropping stored procedure we have to attach stored procedure with tblFriend entity.

1 Answers

I think you can use SQLQuery like this:

using (var dbcontext = new DBContext())
    //Reading stored procedure results as List<string>
    var r = dbcontext.Database.SqlQuery<string>("EXEC xml_test").ToList(); //Note: EXEC is optional

    //Joining strings to one string that causes in resulting long strings
    var xmlString = string.Join("", r);

    //Now you can load your string to a XmlDocument
    var xml = new XmlDocument();

    //Note: You need to add a root element to your result

Note: To get records from your stored procedure you need to add SET NOCOUNT ON; after BEGIN ;).

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[xml_test] 

    SELECT * from dbo.AspNetUsers FOR XML RAW;
like image 156
shA.t Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10
