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LINQ: Split Where OR conditions

So I have the following where conditions

sessions = sessions.Where(y => y.session.SESSION_DIVISION.Any(x => x.DIVISION.ToUpper().Contains(SearchContent)) ||
                                                   y.session.ROOM.ToUpper().Contains(SearchContent) ||

I want to split this into multiple lines based on whether a string is empty for example:

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Division)) {
    sessions = sessions.Where(y => y.session.SESSION_DIVISION.Any(x => x.DIVISION.ToUpper().Contains(SearchContent)));

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Room)) {

    // this shoudl be OR
    sessions = sessions.Where(y => y.session.ROOM.ToUpper().Contains(SearchContent));

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(course)) {

    // this shoudl be OR
    sessions = sessions.Where(y => y.session.COURSE.ToUpper().Contains(SearchContent));

If you notice I want to add multiple OR conditions split based on whether the Room, course, and Division strings are empty or not.

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Eric Bergman Avatar asked Apr 15 '14 20:04

Eric Bergman

2 Answers

There are a few ways to go about this:

  1. Apply the "where" to the original query each time, and then Union() the resulting queries.

    var queries = new List<IQueryable<Session>>();
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Division)) {
        queries.Add(sessions.Where(y => y.session.SESSION_DIVISION.Any(x => x.DIVISION.ToUpper().Contains(SearchContent))));
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Room)) {
        // this shoudl be OR
        queries.Add(sessions.Where(y => y.session.ROOM.ToUpper().Contains(SearchContent)));
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(course)) {
        // this shoudl be OR
        queries.Add(sessions.Where(y => y.session.COURSE.ToUpper().Contains(SearchContent)));
    sessions = queries.Aggregate(sessions.Where(y => false), (q1, q2) => q1.Union(q2));
  2. Do Expression manipulation to merge the bodies of your lambda expressions together, joined by OrElse expressions. (Complicated unless you've already got libraries to help you: after joining the bodies, you also have to traverse the expression tree to replace the parameter expressions. It can get sticky. See this post for details.

  3. Use a tool like PredicateBuilder to do #2 for you.
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StriplingWarrior Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 22:11


.Where() assumes logical AND and as far as I know, there's no out of box solution to do it. If you want to separate OR statements, you may want to look into using Predicate Builder or Dynamic Linq.

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Steven V Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 22:11

Steven V