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LINQ Select within a Select




I am trying to query a collection that contains Employee information. When I query that collection I would like to return an enumeration of objects where each object has two fields:

  • Name
  • ManagerName

(Note that every Manager is also an Employee!)

Now, here's the problem I am having. When I do a select within a select, the value of the ManagerName field that is returned on each object is:


Here's the query:

var query =
    from e in db.Employees    
    select new
        Name = e.Name,
        ManagerName =
            from em2 in db.Employees
            where (em2.EmployeeID == e.ManagerID)
            select em2.Name

Specifically, when I look at the value of ManagerName, I see that it is an enumeration that yields a single item. And that the single item is a string that contains the name of the Manager. So, I think I'm close.

Question: How can I change my query so that instead it returns an enumeration of objects where each object simply has two string fields, Name and ManagerName?

like image 533
DK ALT Avatar asked Jul 24 '13 17:07


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The select query in LINQ to SQL is used to get all the records or rows from the table. LINQ to SQL select query can be used to filter the records of the table with the where clause. Here, we can also perform multiple operations like grouping, joining, etc. using LINQ to SQL select query based on our requirement.

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In a LINQ query, the first step is to specify the data source. In C# as in most programming languages a variable must be declared before it can be used. In a LINQ query, the from clause comes first in order to introduce the data source ( customers ) and the range variable ( cust ).

2 Answers

Try this:

var query = from e in db.Employees
            select new
                Name = e.Name,
                ManagerName = db.Employees
                                .Where(x => x.EmployeeID == e.ManagerID)
                                .Select(x => x.Name).SingleOrDefault()

However, if you correctly mapped your database with EF (which I suppose you are using), you should have a navigation property you can utilize:

var query = from e in db.Employees
            select new
                Name = e.Name,
                ManagerName = e.Manager.Name
like image 95
Daniel Hilgarth Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Daniel Hilgarth

Looks like a self-join should work:

var query = from e in db.Employees
            join m in db.Employees on e.ManagerID equals m.EmployeeID
              select new
                Name = e.Name,
                ManagerName = m.Name
like image 22
D Stanley Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

D Stanley