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Linq query with Array in where clause?


I have searched for this, but still can't seem to get this to work for me. I have an array of Id's associated with a user (their Organization Id). These are placed in an int[] as follows:

int[] OrgIds = (from oh in this.Database.OrganizationsHierarchies                        join o in this.Database.Organizations on oh.OrganizationsId equals o.Id                        where (oh.Hierarchy.Contains(@OrgId))                           || (oh.OrganizationsId == Id)                        select o.Id).ToArray(); 

The code there isn't very important, but it shows that I am getting an integer array from a Linq query.

From this, though, I want to run another Linq query that gets a list of Personnel, that code is as follows:

List<Personnel> query = (from p in this.Database.Personnels                                 where (search the array)                                 select p).ToList(); 

I want to add in the where clause a way to select only the users with the OrganizationId's in the array. So, in SQL where I would do something like "where OrganizationId = '12' or OrganizationId = '13' or OrganizatonId = '17'."

Can I do this fairly easily in Linq / .NET?

like image 801
Matt Dell Avatar asked May 07 '09 19:05

Matt Dell

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2 Answers

While this is probably better suited to a join, you can use this:

List<Personnel> query =      (from p in this.Database.Personnels      where OrgIds.Contains(p.OrgID) select p).ToList(); 

This will translate into SQL something like..

where OrgID in (1,2,...,n) 
like image 158
Adam Robinson Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10

Adam Robinson

A check using the Contains method should do the job here.

var query = (from p in this.Database.Personnels              where OrgIds.Contains(p.OrganisationId)              select p).ToList(); 
like image 31
Noldorin Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10
