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LINQ query into ObservableCollection?




Cast LINQ result to ObservableCollection

Jon Skeet give a great answer in the question ,but I still cannot make my own.

Still new to classes, so I am still in the learning phases with them.

I have made a LINQ to SQL class and obviously there is a lot of auto generated code. This is the a snippet of the class generated when adding the class, that is relevant to this question. This is obviously linked to the DataBase Table named Staff_Time_TBL.

public partial class Staff_Time_TBL : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged

        private static PropertyChangingEventArgs emptyChangingEventArgs = new PropertyChangingEventArgs(String.Empty);

        private long _ID;

        private System.Nullable<System.DateTime> _Date_Data;

I have a working class that I made that gets the data I need into the Datagrid, It pulls data from between two dates and from a Staff Member with a unique staff number. This works fine, but when updating data dirrectly to the database, the data in the interface is not updated ,see this question.

internal class DatabaseQueries
        public static IEnumerable<Staff_Time_TBL> MainTable(DatabaseDataContext database, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int employeeNumber)
            return database.Staff_Time_TBLs.Where(staff =>
                staff.Date_Data > fromDate &&
                staff.Date_Data < toDate &&
                staff.Staff_No == employeeNumber);

This code in this answer is understandable, but I have no idea what foo would need to be?

var linqResults = foos.Where(f => f.Name == "Widget");

var observable = new ObservableCollection<Foo>(linqResults);

How can I make an Observablecollection Class to hold the LINQ query?

This is what I tried to do something, but gives me a compile error at the query.

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List' to 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection'

public ObservableCollection<Staff_Time_TBL> observerableInfoData { get; set; }

        public MainWindow()
            DataContext = this; // required for C# binding

                            observerableInfoData = new ObservableCollection<Staff_Time_TBL>();
                observerableInfoData = sql.Staff_Time_TBLs.Where(staff => staff.Staff_No == SelectedEmployee.Key &&
                                               staff.Date_Data == filterFrom &&
                                               staff.Date_Data == filterTo).Select(staff => staff.Info_Data).ToList();
like image 723
KyloRen Avatar asked Jul 09 '16 02:07


Video Answer

1 Answers

Basically, you need to pass IEnumerable<Staff_Time_TBL> result of the actual query to the database to initialize the ObservableCollection<Staff_Time_TBL> :

var linqResults = sql.Staff_Time_TBLs
                     .Where(staff => staff.Staff_No == SelectedEmployee.Key &&
                                     staff.Date_Data == filterFrom &&
                                     staff.Date_Data == filterTo);

var observable = new ObservableCollection<Staff_Time_TBL>(linqResults);
like image 100
har07 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 08:10
