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Linq left join syntax correction needed




I am having problems figuring out the Linq syntax for a left outer join within multiple joins. I want to do a left join on RunLogEntry Table so I get records which match from this table as well as all of the Service Entries.

Can some one please correct my snytax?

 var list = (from se in db.ServiceEntry
    join u in db.User on se.TechnicianID equals u.ID
    join s in db.System1 on se.SystemID equals s.ID
    join r in db.RunLogEntry on se.RunLogEntryID equals r.ID
    where se.ClosedDate.HasValue == false
    where se.ClosedDate.HasValue == false
        && se.Reconciled == false
    orderby se.ID descending
    select new ServiceSearchEntry()
        ID = se.ID,
        ServiceDateTime = se.ServiceDateTime,
        Technician = u.FullName,
        System = s.SystemFullName,
        ReasonForFailure = se.ReasonForFailure,
        RunDate = r.RunDate
    .Skip((page - 1) * PageSize);
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user1475788 Avatar asked Jul 17 '12 20:07


People also ask

Can we use left join in LINQ?

You can use LINQ to perform a left outer join by calling the DefaultIfEmpty method on the results of a group join.

How Use left and right join in LINQ?

A Left Outer join returns all records from the left table and the matching record from the right table. If there are no matching records in the right table then it returns null. If we want to do a Left Outer join in LINQ then we must use the keyword "into" and method "DefaultIfEmpty".

Is LINQ join inner or outer?

When you use the LINQ join clause in the query expression syntax to combine two sets of related information, you perform an inner join. This means that you provide an expression that determines for each item in the first sequence, the matching items in the second.

1 Answers

Use the .DefaultIfEmpty method on r to perform a left join:

var list = (from se in db.ServiceEntry
    join r in db.RunLogEntry on se.RunLogEntryID equals r.ID into joinRunLogEntry
    from r2 in joinRunLogEntry.DefaultIfEmpty()
    join u in db.User on se.TechnicianID equals u.ID
    join s in db.System1 on se.SystemID equals s.ID
    where se.ClosedDate.HasValue == false
    where se.ClosedDate.HasValue == false
        && se.Reconciled == false
    orderby se.ID descending
    select new ServiceSearchEntry()
        ID = se.ID,
        ServiceDateTime = se.ServiceDateTime,
        Technician = u.FullName,
        System = s.SystemFullName,
        ReasonForFailure = se.ReasonForFailure,
        RunDate = (r2 == null ? (DateTime?)null : r2.RunDate)
    .Skip((page - 1) * PageSize);
like image 146
D Stanley Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

D Stanley