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LINQ Getting Unique items from a List within a List

I have a List of type MyObject with a definition below:

class MyObject {
     public string ListName { get; set; }
     public IEnumerable<OtherObject> ObjectList { get; set;}

Given a List of type MyObject, using LINQ what expression should I use to get all distinct OtherObject?

What I was planning to do was loop each MyObject and get the distinct OtherObject from the ObjectList property, but then I need to get the distinct across the list.

Please note that if: MyObject[0].Objectlist[0] == 'ItemA' and MyObject[1].Objectlist[0] == 'ItemA' it will still return a single instance of ItemA. This code is just a representation only. This is not how I access my objects, by the way.

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Devmonster Avatar asked Jul 12 '12 08:07


2 Answers

You can achieve this simply using Set logic. C# has a nice implementation in the form of HashSet:

var set = new HashSet<OtherObject>(myObjects.SelectMany(mo => mo.ObjectList));

Or if you prefer deferred execution, you can use the LINQ Distinct method:

var distinct = myObjects.SelectMany(mo => mo.ObjectList).Distinct();
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Rich O'Kelly Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09

Rich O'Kelly

How about:

var l = new List<MyObject>(...);
var unique = l.SelectMany(j => j.ObjectList).Distinct();

You can use the technique from Distinct() with lambda? to alter how you decide if an object is distinct from another.

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mdm Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
