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linq deferred execution when using locks in methods that return IEnumerable

Consider a simple Registry class accessed by multiple threads:

public class Registry
    protected readonly Dictionary<int, string> _items = new Dictionary<int, string>();
    protected readonly object _lock = new object();

    public void Register(int id, string val)
           _items.Add(id, val);

    public IEnumerable<int> Ids
            lock (_lock)
                return _items.Keys;

and typical usage:

var ids1 = _registry.Ids;//execution deferred until line below
var ids2 = ids1.Select(p => p).ToArray();

This class is not thread safe as it's possible to receive System.InvalidOperationException

Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.

when ids2 is assigned if another thread calls Register as the execution of _items.Keys is not performed under the lock!

This can be rectified by modifying Ids to return an IList:

public IList<int> Ids
            lock (_lock)
                return _items.Keys.ToList();

but then you lose a lot of the 'goodness' of deferred execution, for example

var ids = _registry.Ids.First();  //much slower!

1) In this particular case are there any thread-safe options that involve IEnumerable
2) What are some best practices when working with IEnumerable and locks ?

like image 985
wal Avatar asked Feb 01 '12 13:02


1 Answers

When your Ids property is accessed then the dictionary cannot be updated, however there is nothing to stop the Dictionary from being updated at the same time as LINQ deferred execution of the IEnumerator<int> it got from Ids.

Calling .ToArray() or .ToList() inside the Ids property and inside a lock will eliminate the threading issue here so long as the update of the dictionary is also locked. Without locking both update of the dictionary and ToArray(), it is still possible to cause a race condition as internally .ToArray() and .ToList() operate on IEnumerable.

In order to resolve this you need to either take the performance hit of ToArray inside a lock, plus lock your dictionary update, or you can create a custom IEnumerator<int> that itself is thread safe. Only through control of iteration (and locking at that point), or through locking around an array copy can you achieve this.

Some examples can be found below:

  • Iterating Atomically
  • Thread Safe Enumeration
like image 54
Dr. Andrew Burnett-Thompson Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Dr. Andrew Burnett-Thompson