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Linking two Office documents


I have two spreadsheets that each serve different purposes but contain one particular piece of data that needs to be the same in both spreadsheets. This piece of data (one of the columns) gets updated in spreadsheet A but needs to also be updated in spreadsheet B.


A solution that would somehow link these two spreadsheets together (keep in mind that they exist on two separate LAN shares on the network) so that when A is updated, B is automatically updated for the corresponding record.

*Note that I understand fully that a database would probably be a better plan for tasks such as these but unfortunately I have no say in that matter.

**Note also that this needs to work for Office 2003 and Office 2007

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Justin Bennett Avatar asked Aug 06 '08 03:08

Justin Bennett

People also ask

How do I link one document to another?

Press Ctrl+K. You can also right-click the text or picture and click Link on the shortcut menu. In the Insert Hyperlink box, type or paste your link in the Address box. Note: If you don't see the Address box, make sure Existing File or Web Page is selected under Link to.

1 Answers

So you mean that AD743 on spreadsheet B must be equal to AD743 on spreadsheet A? Try this:

  • Open both spreadsheets on the same machine.
  • Go to AD743 on spreadsheet B.
  • Type =.
  • Go to spreadsheed A and click on AD743.
  • Press enter.

You'll notice that the formula is something like '[path-to-file+file-name].worksheet-name!AD743'.

The value on spreadsheet B will be updated when you open it. In fact, it will ask you if you want to update. Of course, your connection must be up and running for it to update. Also, you can't change the name or the path of spreadsheet A.

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Mario Marinato Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09

Mario Marinato