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Linkedin API to get public data




I want to use the Linkedin API to get details of jobs posted by any company. This data seems to be public, so do I need to integrate Oauth?

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akshay3004 Avatar asked Feb 02 '12 14:02


People also ask

What data can you extract from LinkedIn API?

Using the API for LinkedIn, you can get detailed information about LinkedIn groups based on the ID of the target groups. Below are some of the data you can get: ID, name, date of creation, logo, description, location, industries, etc. Learn more in the LinkedIn API documentation.

How do I integrate LinkedIn API on my website?

Login to the LinkedIn Developer portal. Click My Apps from the top of the page and select Create App. Complete the app details and add your company page. For Self-Serve, complete all the steps and then click the Create App button at the bottom of the page.

How do I use LinkedIn API in Python?

HTTP API exampleSet LINKEDIN_API_KEY and LINKEDIN_API_SECRET, configure your app to redirect to http://localhost:8080/code, then execute: http_api.py. Visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser, curl or similar. A tab in your browser will open up, give LinkedIn permission there.

2 Answers

The LinkedIn API isn't designed for developers to grab information and present it to people who haven't authenticated (public display). Making calls as a single authenticated user to store it or present it elsewhere is against the Terms of Use for the API. Additionally, you can't store the data you get - it's just designed to present to the authenticated user.

If you want to use the API to present this information, your users need to authenticate with LinkedIn and then you can make the call on their behalf. This is probably easiest to do using the Javascript framework.

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Kirsten Jones Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Kirsten Jones

The data is not quite public. You need an API key and you need oAuth to make API calls. Probably you dont need it if you just want the public profiles. Read the docs (RTFM).



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Elzo Valugi Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Elzo Valugi