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Link to Microsoft coding standard/ best practices documentation?

can anyone post the link to the Microsoft development best practices and guidelines?

i have searched high and low for this and cant seem to find the resource i am looking for. In particular i am lookign for the development guidelines Microsoft published to outline best practice in .net development... it contained things like closing connections, naming conventions, exception handling...

i remember when i was defining a corporate SDLC a while back and doing FxCop work and setup i had a holey grail of .net development from Microsoft that FxCop checks for and enforces.

can someone please help me locate this once again?!?!?

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kacalapy Avatar asked Nov 24 '10 15:11


2 Answers

Design Guidelines for Developing Class Libraries on MSDN

If you want something you can take with you, then I suggest The Hardcover Edition.

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Jeffrey L Whitledge Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 05:10

Jeffrey L Whitledge

There are also a nice c# style guide from Phillips, you can find here

EDIT: A new one i just found Application Architecture Guide v2 and C# Coding Style Guide


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SubniC Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 05:10
