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Link to a specific step in onepage checkout

Is it possible to redirect the browser to nth step in the onepage checkout? If so, how would one go about doing it?

I'm working on a payment module and have a sort of "cancel" action that i would like to return the user to the step in checkout where you choose the payment method.

I currently return the user to the first step of the checkout like so:

$this->_redirect('checkout/onepage', array('_secure'=>true));

Another issue with this is that i does not work all the time, in certain browsers i'd really not like to name this sort of works "sometimes". Is that something that is known and/or commonly accepted? I have very little actual information regarding this, but i've had complaints from customers about this behaviour. They generally won't give me any specifics so it's kind of a dead end.

like image 657
Peter Lindqvist Avatar asked Nov 11 '09 21:11

Peter Lindqvist

1 Answers



$step = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('step');
$stepCodes = array('billing', 'shipping', 'shipping_method', 'payment', 'review');

if (($step) && (in_array($step,$stepCodes)) && ($this->getActiveStep() == 'billing')) {
    $checkout = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/type_onepage');
    $activestep = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('step');
if($this->getActiveStep()) {
    $activestep = $this->getActiveStep();

In javascript

accordion.openSection('opc-<?php /* edit */ echo $activestep; ?>');
like image 78
Peter Lindqvist Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 23:11

Peter Lindqvist