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Link is still navigating even if user hasn't confirmed




MY question is that even though I click on the Cancel button in the confirmation, the link still navigates to its destination? How can I stop the link from navigating to the destination if user clicks on cancel in the confirmation box? I only want it to navigate if user clicks on the OK button:

<a id='teachlogout' href='./teacherlogout.php'>Logout</a>
function logoutHandler() {
    if (confirm("You are currently creating an Assessment, are you sure you want to logout?" + "\n" + "(Your current assessment details will be lost)" + "\n")) {
        return true;

// logout link
$('#teachlogout').click(function() {
like image 789
user1914374 Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 18:12


1 Answers

You need to return false or event.preventDefault() if the user cancels the confirm. Try this:

function logoutHandler() {
    return confirm("You are currently creating an Assessment, are you sure you want to logout?" + "\n" + "(Your current assessment details will be lost)" + "\n");

// logout link
// ^ Shorter version when you only need to call 1 function with no params

Or this:

function logoutHandler(e) {
    if (!confirm("You are currently creating an Assessment, are you sure you want to logout?" + "\n" + "(Your current assessment details will be lost)" + "\n")) {

// logout link
$('#teachlogout').click(function(e) {
like image 155
Rory McCrossan Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 07:12

Rory McCrossan