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Link in Javascript alert

I want to put a link in a Javascript alert.

Is this possible? (I've searching for a solution, but I keep getting things about links that fire alerts!)

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user5243421 Avatar asked Nov 14 '09 05:11


2 Answers

AFAIK you can't do that with a normal javascript alert box.

Make a custom alert box and then make a link inside it.

Here is a nice one

YUI: Dialog Alert Widget

Also a jQuery based one

jQuery Impromptu

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rahul Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10


Nope. Only standard OS dialog boxes are available (alert, input, etc.), and none support embedded hyperlinks.

You can could a pop-up window that is styled to look like a dialog, but pop-up windows are likely to have various user blocks, etc. in place.

My advice is to use a an absolutely-positioned DIV with a high z-order centered on your page that looks like a dialog box and put whatever you want in it. Various UI toolkits like JQuery UI take the pain out of this.

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richardtallent Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10
