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Lines of code you have written [closed]

Out of curiosity, is there any way to get the number of lines of code you have written (in a specific project)?

I tried perforce with p4 describe #CLN | wc -l, but apart from so many edge cases (comments being included, new lines being added etc.), it skips the newly added files as well. Edge cases can be ignored, if we try to display physical line of code but newly added files still cause the issue.

like image 250
instanceOfObject Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 15:12


1 Answers

I went ahead and wrote a Python script that prints out the number of lines of code added/changed by a user and the average number of lines per change.

Tested on Windows with Python 2.7.2. You can run from the command line - it assumes you have p4 in your path.

Usage: codestats.py -u [username]

It works with git too: codestats.py -u [authorname] -g.

It does some blacklisting to prune out bulk adds (e.g. you just added a library), and also imposes a blacklist on certain types of files (e.g. .HTML files, etc.). Otherwise, it works pretty well.

Hope this helps!

# Script that computes the lines of code stats for a perforce/git user.

import argparse
import logging
import subprocess
import sys
import re

    ("user", "-u", "--user", "Run lines of code computation for the specified user.", 1),
    ("change", "-c", "--change", "Just display lines of code in the passed in change (useful for debugging).", 1),
    ("git", "-g", "--git", "Use git rather than perforce (which is the default versioning system queried).", 0)

class PrintHelpOnErrorArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
  def error(self, message):
    logging.error("error: {0}\n\n".format(message))

def is_code_file(depot_path):
  fstat_output = subprocess.Popen(['p4', 'fstat', depot_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')
  text_file = False
  head_type_regex = re.compile('^... headType (\S+)\s*$')
  for line in fstat_output:
    head_type_line = head_type_regex.match(line)
    if head_type_line:
      head_type = head_type_line.group(1)

      text_file = (head_type.find('text') != -1)

  if text_file:
    blacklisted_file_types = ['html', 'css', 'twb', 'twbx', 'tbm', 'xml']

    for file_type in blacklisted_file_types:
      if re.match('^\/\/depot.*\.{}#\d+$'.format(file_type), depot_path):
        text_file = False

  return text_file

def parse_args():
  parser = PrintHelpOnErrorArgumentParser()

  for arg_name, short_switch, long_switch, help, num_args in VALID_ARGUMENTS:
    if num_args != 0:

  return parser.parse_args()

file_edited_regex = re.compile('^... .*?#\d+ edit\s*$')
file_deleted_regex = re.compile('^... .*?#\d+ delete\s*$')
file_integrated_regex = re.compile('^... .*?#\d+ integrate\s*$')
file_added_regex = re.compile('^... (.*?#\d+) add\s*$')
affected_files_regex = re.compile('^Affected files ...')
outliers = [] # Changes that seem as if they weren't hand coded and merit inspection

def num_lines_in_file(depot_path):
  lines = len(subprocess.Popen(['p4', 'print', depot_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n'))
  return lines

def parse_change(changelist):
  change_description = subprocess.Popen(['p4', 'describe', '-ds', changelist], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')

  parsing_differences = False
  parsing_affected_files = False

  differences_regex = re.compile('^Differences \.\.\..*$')
  line_added_regex = re.compile('^add \d+ chunks (\d+) lines.*$')
  line_removed_regex = re.compile('^deleted \d+ chunks (\d+) lines.*$')
  line_changed_regex = re.compile('^changed \d+ chunks (\d+) / (\d+) lines.*$')
  file_diff_regex = re.compile('^==== (\/\/depot.*#\d+)\s*\S+$')
  skip_file = False

  num_lines_added = 0
  num_lines_deleted = 0
  num_lines_changed_added = 0
  num_lines_changed_deleted = 0
  num_files_added = 0
  num_files_edited = 0

  for line in change_description:
    if differences_regex.match(line):
      parsing_differences = True
    elif affected_files_regex.match(line):
      parsing_affected_files = True
    elif parsing_differences:
      if file_diff_regex.match(line):
        regex_match = file_diff_regex.match(line)
        skip_file = not is_code_file(regex_match.group(1))
      elif not skip_file:
        regex_match = line_added_regex.match(line)
        if regex_match:
          num_lines_added += int(regex_match.group(1))
          regex_match = line_removed_regex.match(line)

          if regex_match:
            num_lines_deleted += int(regex_match.group(1))
            regex_match = line_changed_regex.match(line)

            if regex_match:
              num_lines_changed_added += int(regex_match.group(2))
              num_lines_changed_deleted += int(regex_match.group(1))

    elif parsing_affected_files:
      if file_added_regex.match(line):
        file_added_match = file_added_regex.match(line)
        depot_path = file_added_match.group(1)

        if is_code_file(depot_path):
          lines_in_file = num_lines_in_file(depot_path)

          if lines_in_file > 3000:
            # Anomaly - probably a copy of existing code - discard this
            lines_in_file = 0

          num_lines_added += lines_in_file

        num_files_added += 1
      elif file_edited_regex.match(line):
        num_files_edited += 1

  return [num_files_added, num_files_edited, num_lines_added, num_lines_deleted, num_lines_changed_added, num_lines_changed_deleted]

def contains_integrates(changelist):
  change_description = subprocess.Popen(['p4', 'describe', '-s', changelist], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')

  contains_integrates = False
  parsing_affected_files = False

  for line in change_description:
    if affected_files_regex.match(line):
      parsing_affected_files = True
    elif parsing_affected_files:
      if file_integrated_regex.match(line):
        contains_integrates = True

  return contains_integrates

# Note: Keep this function in sync with 
# generate_line.
def generate_output_specifier(output_headers):
  output_specifier = ''

  for output_header in output_headers:
    output_specifier += '| {:'
    output_specifier += '{}'.format(len(output_header))
    output_specifier += '}'

  if output_specifier != '':
    output_specifier += ' |'

  return output_specifier

# Note: Keep this function in sync with 
# generate_output_specifier.
def generate_line(output_headers):
  line = ''

  for output_header in output_headers:
    line += '--' # for the '| '
    header_padding_specifier = '{:-<'
    header_padding_specifier += '{}'.format(len(output_header))
    header_padding_specifier += '}'
    line += header_padding_specifier.format('')

  if line != '':
    line += '--' # for the last ' |'

  return line

# Returns true if a change is a bulk addition or a private change
def is_black_listed_change(user, changelist):
  large_add_change = False
  all_adds = True
  num_adds = 0
  is_private_change = False
  is_third_party_change = False

  change_description = subprocess.Popen(['p4', 'describe', '-s', changelist], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')

  for line in change_description:
    if file_edited_regex.match(line) or file_deleted_regex.match(line):
      all_adds = False
    elif file_added_regex.match(line):
      num_adds += 1

    if line.find('... //depot/private') != -1:
      is_private_change = True

    if line.find('... //depot/third-party') != -1:
      is_third_party_change = True

  large_add_change = all_adds and num_adds > 70

  #print "{}: {}".format(changelist, large_add_change or is_private_change)
  return large_add_change or is_third_party_change

change_header_regex = re.compile('^Change (\d+)\s*.*?\s*(\S+)@.*$')

def get_user_and_change_header_for_change(changelist):
  change_description = subprocess.Popen(['p4', 'describe', '-s', changelist], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')

  user = None
  change_header = None

  for line in change_description:
    change_header_match = change_header_regex.match(line)

    if change_header_match:
      user = change_header_match.group(2)
      change_header = line

  return [user, change_header]

if __name__ == "__main__":
  log = logging.getLogger()

  args = parse_args()
  user_stats = {}
  user_stats['num_changes'] = 0
  user_stats['lines_added'] = 0
  user_stats['lines_deleted'] = 0
  user_stats['lines_changed_added'] = 0
  user_stats['lines_changed_removed'] = 0
  user_stats['total_lines'] = 0
  user_stats['files_edited'] = 0
  user_stats['files_added'] = 0

  change_log = []

  if args.git:
    git_log_command = ['git', 'log', '--author={}'.format(args.user[0]), '--pretty=tformat:', '--numstat']
    git_log_output = subprocess.Popen(git_log_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')

    git_log_line_regex = re.compile('^(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*\S+$')
    total = 0
    adds = 0
    subs = 0
    for git_log_line in git_log_output:
      line_match = git_log_line_regex.match(git_log_line)

      if line_match:
        adds += int(line_match.group(1))
        subs += int(line_match.group(2))

    total = adds - subs
    num_commits = 0

    git_shortlog_command = ['git', 'shortlog', '--author={}'.format(args.user[0]), '-s']
    git_shortlog_output = subprocess.Popen(git_shortlog_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')

    git_shortlog_line_regex = re.compile('^\s*(\d+)\s+.*$')
    for git_shortlog_line in git_shortlog_output:
      line_match = git_shortlog_line_regex.match(git_shortlog_line)
      if line_match:
        num_commits += int(line_match.group(1))

    print "Git Stats for {}: Commits: {}. Lines of code: {}. Average Lines Per Change: {}.".format(args.user[0], num_commits, total, total*1.0/num_commits)
  elif args.change:
    [args.user, change_header] = get_user_and_change_header_for_change(args.change)
    change_log = [change_header]
    change_log = subprocess.Popen(['p4', 'changes', '-u', args.user, '-s', 'submitted'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\n')

  output_headers = ['Current Change', 'Num Changes', 'Files Added', 'Files Edited']
  output_headers.append('Lines Added')
  output_headers.append('Lines Deleted')

  if not args.git:
    output_headers.append('Lines Changed (Added/Removed)')

  avg_change_size = 0.0
  output_headers.append('Total Lines')
  output_headers.append('Avg. Lines/Change')

  line = generate_line(output_headers)
  output_specifier = generate_output_specifier(output_headers)

  print line

  print output_specifier.format(*output_headers)
  print line

  output_specifier_with_carriage_return = output_specifier + '\r'

  for change in change_log:
    change_match = change_header_regex.search(change)

    if change_match:
      user_stats['num_changes'] += 1

      changelist = change_match.group(1)

      if not is_black_listed_change(args.user, changelist) and not contains_integrates(changelist):
        [files_added_in_change, files_edited_in_change, lines_added_in_change, lines_deleted_in_change, lines_changed_added_in_change, lines_changed_removed_in_change] = parse_change(change_match.group(1))
        if lines_added_in_change > 5000 and changelist not in outliers:
          outliers.append([changelist, lines_added_in_change])
          user_stats['lines_added'] += lines_added_in_change
          user_stats['lines_deleted'] += lines_deleted_in_change
          user_stats['lines_changed_added'] += lines_changed_added_in_change
          user_stats['lines_changed_removed'] += lines_changed_removed_in_change
          user_stats['total_lines'] += lines_changed_added_in_change
          user_stats['total_lines'] -= lines_changed_removed_in_change
          user_stats['total_lines'] += lines_added_in_change
          user_stats['files_edited'] += files_edited_in_change
          user_stats['files_added'] += files_added_in_change

      current_output = [changelist, user_stats['num_changes'], user_stats['files_added'], user_stats['files_edited']]


      if not args.git:
        current_output.append('{}/{}'.format(user_stats['lines_changed_added'], user_stats['lines_changed_removed']))


      print output_specifier_with_carriage_return.format(*current_output),

  print line

  if len(outliers) > 0:
    print "Outliers (changes that merit inspection - and have not been included in the stats):"
    outlier_headers = ['Changelist', 'Lines of Code']
    outlier_specifier = generate_output_specifier(outlier_headers)
    outlier_line = generate_line(outlier_headers)

    print outlier_line
    print outlier_specifier.format(*outlier_headers)
    print outlier_line

    for change in outliers:
      print outlier_specifier.format(*change)

    print outlier_line
like image 80
Arnab Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 03:01
